defend — de·fend vt 1: to drive danger or attack away from using a weapon to defend oneself 2: to act as attorney for (a defendant) appointed to defend the accused 3: to deny or oppose the rights of a plaintiff in regard to (a suit or claim) intend to… … Law dictionary
oneself */ — UK [wʌnˈself] / US pronoun formal Summary: Oneself is a reflexive pronoun, which can be used in the following ways: as an object that refers back to the pronoun one when it is the subject of the sentence: One should be careful not to hurt oneself … English dictionary
oneself — one|self [ wʌn self ] pronoun MAINLY BRITISH FORMAL Oneself is a reflexive pronoun, which can be used in the following ways: as an object that refers back to the pronoun one when it is the subject of the sentence: One should be careful not to… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
defend — v 1.Usu. defend from or against protect, shelter, screen, shield; fight for, take up the cudgels for; guard, safeguard, ward off, fend off, parry; garrison, fortify, arm, secure, hold the fort, preserve, keep, save. 2. support, bolster, advocate … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
protect oneself — defend oneself from harm … English contemporary dictionary
assert oneself — verb put oneself forward in an assertive and insistent manner (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: ↑behave, ↑comport • Verb Frames: Somebody s * * * BEHAVE/SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, be assertive, put oneself forward, make one s presence felt; … Useful english dictionary
take the defensive — defend oneself, prevent oneself from being attacked … English contemporary dictionary
fend someone/thing off — defend oneself from an attack or attacker. → fend … English new terms dictionary
fight someone/thing off — defend oneself against an attack by someone or something. → fight … English new terms dictionary
ἀνταμύνεται — ἀνταμύ̱νεται , ἀνταμύνομαι defend oneself against another aor subj mp 3rd sg (epic) ἀνταμύ̱νεται , ἀνταμύνομαι defend oneself against another pres ind mp 3rd sg ἀνταμύ̱νεται , ἀνταμύνομαι defend oneself against another aor subj mid 3rd sg (epic)… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
ἀνταμύνομαι — ἀνταμύ̱νομαι , ἀνταμύνομαι defend oneself against another aor subj mp 1st sg (epic) ἀνταμύ̱νομαι , ἀνταμύνομαι defend oneself against another pres ind mp 1st sg ἀνταμύ̱νομαι , ἀνταμύνομαι defend oneself against another aor subj mid 1st sg (epic)… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)